Summary: Actor Edward Cullen is rich, famous and sexy as hell. There’s just one fly in the ointment. He can’t keep the other personalities in his head straight. Emmett, his bodyguard, needs help sorting his charge out. Enter his ‘crew’, Alice the hacker, Jasper his second, Rose the shrink…and Bella, the girl who’s father gave his life to protect Edward’s. If only he remembered why.
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Filed under: 150K - 250K, Accountantella, Action/Adventure, Actorward, All Human, Amnesia/Memory Loss, Angst, Brokenella, Brokenward, Canon, Character Death, Complete, Completed ~ 2017, Crime, Deception, Dirty Talking Edward, Divorceella, Drama, EdwardxBella, Family, Famousward,, Friendship, Gotta Love Emmett, Happily Ever After (HEA), Humour, Hurt/Comfort, Illness/Disease, Mental Illness, Mixed POV, Multi-Chapter, Mystery, Olderward, Personality Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Rated-M, Reunion, Richward, Romance, Sickward, Smut/Lemons, Tissue Warning, Top Ten Completed Fics - Feb 2017, Tragedy, Violence Tagged: maxigrumpling, On This Day: 01 Jan, Twilight Fanfiction Recommendation